Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#2 Setup buildbot CI new task 0.3 minor
#5 Create testing, dev and prod bots new task 1.0 minor
#7 Add /export command to send database file new enhancement 0.4 minor
#11 Add unit testing new enhancement 1.0 minor
#13 Migrate from Debian system to Guix on a server new task minor
#14 Create public unix instance for friends new task minor
#17 Rewrite context setting new enhancement 1.0 minor
#20 Make commands as dialogues new enhancement 0.4 minor
#21 Create DTOs or types for chat_data new enhancement 0.3 minor
#23 Add /help command new task 0.2 minor
#24 Refactor (create smaller functions) new enhancement 0.2 minor
#33 Trac multi-language plugin new task 0.2 minor
#34 Describe contribute workflow new task minor
#35 Trac + Email new task wkz-devel minor
#36 Mailman new task minor
#37 Install Patchwork to handle patches new task minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.