path: root/guix/.dotfiles/home-configuration.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'guix/.dotfiles/home-configuration.scm')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/guix/.dotfiles/home-configuration.scm b/guix/.dotfiles/home-configuration.scm
index b7e53f6..ba68d27 100644
--- a/guix/.dotfiles/home-configuration.scm
+++ b/guix/.dotfiles/home-configuration.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(use-modules (gnu home)
(gnu packages)
+ (gnu packages base)
(gnu packages gnupg)
(gnu packages shells)
(gnu services)
@@ -18,190 +19,259 @@
(define dotfiles-dir "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/")
(define wkz-home (home-environment
- (packages (specifications->packages (list
- "mg"
- "ratpoison"
- "xterm"
- "screen"
- "xdot"
- "graphviz"
- "sed"
- ;;"darktable"
- "global"
- "emacs-ggtags"
- "emacs-semantic-refactor"
- "openssh"
- "docker-compose"
- "emacs-company"
- "emacs-f"
- "emacs-s"
- "emacs-xterm-color"
- "emacs-lsp-mode"
- "emacs-helm"
- "emacs-helm-gtags"
- "emacs-magit"
- "emacs-git-timemachine"
- "emacs-browse-kill-ring"
- "emacs-anzu"
- "emacs-sudo-edit"
- "emacs-highlight"
- "emacs-mastodon"
- "emacs-org-roam"
- "emacs-undo-tree"
- "emacs-expand-region"
- "emacs-nyxt"
- "nyxt"
- "guile"
- "guile-readline"
- "guile-colorized"
- "emacs-geiser"
- "emacs-geiser-guile"
- ;;"emacs-telega"
- ;;"emacs-telega-contrib"
- "emacs-guix"
- "emacs-simple-httpd"
- "emacs-osm"
- "translate-shell"
- "wget"
- "bitcoin-core"
- "monero"
- "monero-gui"
- "xrandr"
- "unzip"
- "zip"
- "mpv"
- "ffmpeg"
- "emacs-rmsbolt"
- "git"
- ;; "wkz-emacs"
- "emacs-no-x-toolkit"
- "emacs-gptel"
- "emacs-nix-mode"
- "lm-sensors"
- "htop"
- "make"
- "emacs-simple-httpd"
- "emacs-guix"
- ;;"gimp"
- "imagemagick"
- "stow"
- ;;"icecat"
- "smartmontools"
- "lshw"
- "hwinfo"
- "ntfs-3g"
- "qbittorrent"
- "x11-ssh-askpass"
- "syncthing"
- "pavucontrol"
- "arp-scan"
- "proot"
- "openconnect"
- "alsa-utils"
- "grep"
- "xlockmore"
- "x11-ssh-askpass"
- "pinentry-emacs"
- ;;"texlive"
- "fetchmail"
- "gnupg"
- "xhost"
- "universal-ctags"
- "c-intro-and-ref"
- "sicp"
- "font-xfree86-type1"
- "xlsfonts"
- "font-alias"
- ;; "wkz-php"
- ;; "wkz-python"
- ;; "wkz-ruby"
- )))
- ;; Below is the list of Home services. To search for available
- ;; services, run 'guix home search KEYWORD' in a terminal.
- (services
- (list
- ;; (service home-run-on-first-login-service-type)
- ;; (service home-activation-service-type)
- (service home-bash-service-type
- (home-bash-configuration
- (guix-defaults? #t)
- (aliases '(("grep" . "grep --color=auto")
- ("ip" . "ip -color=auto")
- ("ll" . "ls -l")
- ("ls" . "ls -p --color=auto")))
- (bashrc (list (local-file
- ".bashrc"
- "bashrc")))
- ;; (bash-profile (list (local-file
- ;; ".bash_profile"
- ;; "bash_profile")))
- ))
-;; (service home-redshift-service-type
-;; (home-redshift-configuration
-;; (location-provider 'manual)
-;; (latitude 41.71)
-;; (longitude 44.82)
-;; ))
- ;; (service home-x11-display-service-type)
- (service home-gpg-agent-service-type
- (home-gpg-agent-configuration
- (pinentry-program
- (file-append pinentry-emacs "/bin/pinentry-emacs"))
- (ssh-support? #t)))
-;; (service home-unclutter-service-type
-;; (home-unclutter-configuration
-;; (idle-timeout 1)))
- (service home-openssh-service-type
- (home-openssh-configuration
- (authorized-keys (list (local-file "")))))
- (service home-startx-command-service-type
- (xorg-configuration (keyboard-layout (keyboard-layout "us,ru"
- #:options '("grp:shifts_toggle" "ctrl:nocaps")))))
- ;; (service home-files-service-type `((".xinitrc" ,(local-file ".xinitrc" "xinitrc"))))
- (service home-dotfiles-service-type
- (home-dotfiles-configuration
- ;; (layout 'stow)
- (directories '(
- "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/X"
- "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/wm"
- "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/emacs"
- "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/cvs"
- "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/guix"
- ))))
- ;; (service home-ssh-agent-service-type
- ;; (home-ssh-agent-configuration
- ;; (extra-options '("-t" "1h30m"))))
- (simple-service 'nonguix-service
- home-channels-service-type
- (list
- (channel
- (name 'nonguix)
- (url "")
- (introduction
- (make-channel-introduction
- "897c1a470da759236cc11798f4e0a5f7d4d59fbc"
- (openpgp-fingerprint
- "2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29 12AF 6F51 20A0 22FB B2D5"))))))
- ))))
+ (packages (specifications->packages
+ (list
+ "glibc-locales"
+ "rlwrap"
+ "readline"
+ "mg"
+ "ratpoison"
+ "file"
+ "universal-ctags"
+ "perl"
+ "python"
+ "python-wrapper"
+ "php"
+ "sqls"
+ "go"
+ "ruby"
+ "gopls"
+ "delve"
+ "python-lsp-server"
+ "ruby-solargraph"
+ "zig-zls"
+ "rust-analyzer"
+ "racket"
+ "gcc-toolchain"
+ "clang-toolchain"
+ "gdb"
+ "valgrind"
+ "frama-c"
+ "kcachegrind"
+ "dwarves"
+ "xterm"
+ "screen"
+ "xdot"
+ "graphviz"
+ "sed"
+ ;;"darktable"
+ "global"
+ "emacs-edbi"
+ "emacs-edbi-sqlite"
+ "emacs-dape"
+ "emacs-dumb-jump"
+ "emacs-goto-chg"
+ "emacs-repology"
+ "emacs-syslog-mode"
+ "emacs-ggtags"
+ "emacs-semantic-refactor"
+ "openssh"
+ "docker-compose"
+ "emacs-docker"
+ "emacs-dockerfile-mode"
+ "emacs-docker-compose-mode"
+ "emacs-company"
+ "emacs-f"
+ "emacs-s"
+ "emacs-xterm-color"
+ ;; "emacs-lsp-mode"
+ "emacs-ebuild-mode"
+ "emacs-helm"
+ "emacs-helm-gtags"
+ "emacs-magit"
+ "emacs-git-timemachine"
+ "emacs-browse-kill-ring"
+ "emacs-anzu"
+ "emacs-sudo-edit"
+ "emacs-highlight"
+ "emacs-mastodon"
+ "emacs-org-roam"
+ "emacs-undo-tree"
+ "emacs-expand-region"
+ "emacs-avy"
+ "emacs-imenu-list"
+ "emacs-nyxt"
+ "guile"
+ "guile-readline"
+ "guile-colorized"
+ "emacs-geiser"
+ "emacs-geiser-guile"
+ "emacs-telega"
+ "emacs-telega-contrib"
+ "emacs-guix"
+ "emacs-simple-httpd"
+ "emacs-osm"
+ "translate-shell"
+ "wget"
+ "curl"
+ "bitcoin-core"
+ "xrandr"
+ "unzip"
+ "zip"
+ "mpv"
+ "emacs-rmsbolt"
+ "git"
+ ;; "wkz-emacs"
+ "emacs-no-x-toolkit"
+ "emacs-gptel"
+ "emacs-nix-mode"
+ "lm-sensors"
+ "htop"
+ "make"
+ "emacs-simple-httpd"
+ "emacs-guix"
+ "emacs-hyperbole"
+ "emacs-php-mode"
+ "gimp"
+ "imagemagick"
+ "stow"
+ "smartmontools"
+ "lshw"
+ "hwinfo"
+ "qbittorrent"
+ "x11-ssh-askpass"
+ "syncthing"
+ "pavucontrol"
+ "arp-scan"
+ "openconnect"
+ "alsa-utils"
+ "grep"
+ "xlockmore"
+ "x11-ssh-askpass"
+ "pinentry"
+ "pinentry-emacs"
+ ;;"texlive"
+ "fetchmail"
+ "gnupg"
+ "xhost"
+ "universal-ctags"
+ "c-intro-and-ref"
+ "sicp"
+ "font-xfree86-type1"
+ "xlsfonts"
+ "font-alias"
+ "font-gnu-unifont"
+ "proxychains-ng"
+ "ungoogled-chromium"
+ "torbrowser"
+ "icecat"
+ "librewolf"
+ "nyxt"
+ "netsurf"
+ "ublock-origin-icecat"
+ "ublock-origin-chromium"
+ "noscript-icecat"
+ "browserpass-native"
+ "keepassxc-browser-icecat"
+ "keepassxc"
+ "restic"
+ "btrbk"
+ "emacs-helm-pass"
+ "emacs-pass"
+ "password-store"
+ "musescore"
+ "schismtracker"
+ "workrave"
+ "flatpak"
+ "utox"
+ "net-tools"
+ "lsof"
+ "podman"
+ "podman-compose"
+ "macchanger"
+ "udiskie"
+ "emacs-discomfort"
+ "yt-dlp"
+ "emacs-ytdl"
+ ;; "wkz-php"
+ ;; "wkz-python"
+ ;; "wkz-ruby"
+ )))
+ ;; Below is the list of Home services. To search for available
+ ;; services, run 'guix home search KEYWORD' in a terminal.
+ (services
+ (list
+ (service home-bash-service-type
+ (home-bash-configuration
+ (guix-defaults? #t)
+ (aliases '(("grep" . "grep --color=auto")
+ ("ip" . "ip -color=auto")
+ ("ll" . "ls -l")
+ ("ls" . "ls -p --color=auto")))
+ (bashrc (list (local-file
+ ".bashrc"
+ "bashrc")))
+ (bash-profile (list (local-file
+ ".bash_profile"
+ "bash_profile")))
+ ))
+ ;; (service home-x11-display-service-type)
+ (service home-gpg-agent-service-type)
+ ;; (service home-unclutter-service-type
+ ;; (home-unclutter-configuration
+ ;; (idle-timeout 1)))
+ ;; (service home-openssh-service-type
+ ;; (home-openssh-configuration
+ ;; (authorized-keys (list (local-file "")))))
+ (service home-startx-command-service-type
+ (xorg-configuration (keyboard-layout (keyboard-layout "us,ru"
+ #:options '("grp:shifts_toggle" "ctrl:nocaps")))))
+ (service home-dotfiles-service-type
+ (home-dotfiles-configuration
+ ;; (layout 'stow)
+ (directories '(
+ "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/X"
+ "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/wm"
+ "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/emacs"
+ "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/cvs"
+ "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/guix"
+ "/home/w96k/projects/dotfiles/ssh"
+ ))))
+ ;; (service home-ssh-agent-service-type
+ ;; (home-ssh-agent-configuration
+ ;; (extra-options '("-t" "1h30m"))))
+ (service home-files-service-type
+ `((".guile" ,%default-dotguile)))
+ (service home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
+ `(("gdb/gdbinit" ,%default-gdbinit)
+ ("nano/nanorc" ,%default-nanorc)))
+ (simple-service 'nonguix-service
+ home-channels-service-type
+ (list
+ (channel
+ (name 'nonguix)
+ (url "")
+ (introduction
+ (make-channel-introduction
+ "897c1a470da759236cc11798f4e0a5f7d4d59fbc"
+ (openpgp-fingerprint
+ "2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29 12AF 6F51 20A0 22FB B2D5"))))))
+ ))))