python-cinema-club-bot is bot for Telegram specialized for managing cinema club activities. Initially it was done for Libertarian Cinema club in Tbilisi, Georgia. [[/query?project=python-cinema-club-bot&status=!closed | Issues]] | [[/../../cgit/python-cinema-club-bot/ | Source Code]] Bot handle: [ @python-cinema-club-bot] Features: - [TODO] Choosing a film once a week - [TODO] Choosing a person who proposes the next film - [TODO] Creating a queue of proposed films in general - [TODO] Creating event announcements - [TODO] Collect info about cinema club members and watched films In Libertarian Cinema Club we have the following workflow: - We have several members and every member once a week choose a movie - After that the next person does the same and it repeats the cycle - Any person can help the choosing one the film if he can't decide Ideally the bot should work with different workflows too, I think popular approach would be the voting for the next movie.