python-cinema-club-bot is bot for Telegram specialized for managing cinema club activities. Initially it was done for Libertarian Cinema club in Tbilisi, Georgia. `git clone` [[/query?project=python-cinema-club-bot&status=!closed | Issues]] | [[/browser/python-cinema-club-bot|Source Code]] | [[|GIT]] | [[python-cinema-club-bot Discussion|Discussion]] Bot handle: [ @python-cinema-club-bot] Features: - Choosing a film by imdb id - Choosing and auto switching to a person who proposes the next film - Creating events and their announcements - Collect history of finished events and proposed films - List of nicknames is the only thing needed to collect. No other information besides films and events are not stored. python-cinema-club-bot is public domain, but underlying library python-telegram-bot is GPLv3, so you should be careful distributing this code if you use it. CC0 is compatible with GPLv3. You can modify this code as you want and use for any purpose.