1 | #+TITLE: Tech stacks for earning money as web developer
2 | #+DATE: <2022-07-27 Ср>
3 | #+LANGUAGE: en
4 |
5 | * Tech stacks for earning money as web developer
6 | #+BEGIN_abstract
7 | In this article I'm going to categorize languages, frameworks, libraries
8 | and software by a criteria of ease of starting to earn money. It is
9 | biased and irrational, be aware.
10 | #+END_abstract
11 | I work in IT field as web developer for many years, but cannot claim
12 | myself as professional. I don't like to work in general, I don't like
13 | corporate IT culture and I don't like web development in particular, but
14 | I has an experience in that field and it is much easier to dive in in
15 | order to earn money for a living than other IT fields. I hope this text
16 | will be useful for someone who is outside of field of web development
17 | and wish to start earning money in that field.
18 |
19 | * What is tech stack
20 | #+BEGIN_abstract
21 | Tech stack is the mix of technologies (software, frameworks, libraries)
22 | that project uses at your current or future company.
23 | #+END_abstract
24 |
25 | Knowing everything from your techstack is not the only key for
26 | success. It can sound obvious, but social skills can play more important
27 | role than your programming skills. Programming is very social activity,
28 | everything you are going to use is built by other people, sometimes
29 | something breaks and you need to contact with people that provide you
30 | software you use, it is also important to communicate with your
31 | company's team and not bring yourself into conflicts.
32 |
33 | Next I present the list of technologies you should know to work as web
34 | developer. The list is not mandotary and you are not required to learn
35 | it on expert level to get your job offer.
36 |
37 | * Fundamental technologies
38 | Some things you will use in most of your projects, so you are better to
39 | familarize with them anyway. What I've discovered, that most knowledge
40 | of some tech is transfarable to other techs.
41 | ** Text Editor
42 | Not sure if I need to write it, but you need development environment
43 | where you will write code, run tests and compile your project.
44 |
45 | *Most popular choices*
46 | - [[https://gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs]] / [[https://www.vim.org/][Vim]] (I recommend them for a long run)
47 | - Jetbrains IDE (proprietary)
48 | - VSCode (proprietary)
49 |
50 | *Less popular*
51 | - Sublime (proprietary)
52 | - [[https://www.eclipse.org/][Eclipse]] / [[https://netbeans.apache.org/][Netbeans]] / [[https://www.kdevelop.org/][Kdevelop]]
53 | - other editors and IDEs
54 |
55 | Proprietary means that source code is not available and probably it
56 | costs money to use and you as a user don't have control over it. You can
57 | learn more why it is important on [[https://gnu.org/philosophy/][GNU website]]. Such important tool as
58 | text editor should be free for everyone.
59 |
60 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_editor][Wikipedia: Text editor]]] |
61 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment][Wikipedia: Integrated development environment]]]
62 |
63 | ** SQL
64 | Or it should be called persistance, but mostly you will use something
65 | like [[https://www.postgresql.org/][Postgres]] or [[https://mariadb.com/kb/en/][MariaDB]]/[[https://mysql.com/][MySQL]]. Rarely it can be nosql like
66 | mongodb.
67 |
68 | The database is the main thing aroud which you will develop your
69 | application. I would say that the code is secondary compared to the data
70 | you store and get from the database, so it is extremely good idea to
71 | learn SQL well especially for a long run. For the start it is okay to
72 | know a little and get going along the way, because you will probably
73 | work with SQL through ORM.
74 |
75 | I recommend to use [[https://dbeaver.io/][Dbeaver]] as IDE for running SQL related code. It eases
76 | the complexity of writing and running SQL.
77 |
78 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL][Wikipedia: SQL]]] |
79 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_database][Wikipedia: Reletational Database]]]
80 |
81 | *** ORM
82 | Each tech stack provides ORM. It is quite rare, where you need to work
83 | with pure SQL or the project doesn't use ORM at all. ORMs might be
84 | something from the list:
85 | - [[https://hibernate.org/][Hibernate]]
86 | - [[https://docs.djangoproject.com/][Django ORM]]
87 | - [[https://www.doctrine-project.org/][Doctrine]]
88 | - [[https://sqlalchemy.org/][SQLAlchemy]]
89 | - [[https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_basics.html][Rails Active Record]]
90 | - and many others
91 |
92 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL][Wikipedia: SQL]]] | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object%E2%80%93relational_mapping][Wikipedia: ORM]]]
93 |
94 | ** In-memory database
95 | Some data needs to be stored in RAM for better performance. For that
96 | cases you need to learn about Redis or similar technology.
97 |
98 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-memory_database][Wikipedia: In-memory database]]]
99 |
100 | ** HTTP Server and HTTP protocol
101 | You don't actually need to know everything from the start, but since you
102 | are going to work as web dev you need to know what you are using. It is
103 | essential if you do backend APIs.
104 |
105 | HTTP server is usually [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nginx][Nginx]] or [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_HTTP_Server][Apache]] (it is used rarely now). If you
106 | work with Java, http servers can be written in Java such as [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetty_(web_server)][Jetty]] and
107 | others.
108 |
109 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_server][Wikipedia: Web server]]] |
110 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol][Wikipedia: Hypertext Transfer Protocol]]]
111 |
112 | ** Fulltext search
113 | You might need searching functionality. In basic cases it is okay to
114 | include google search, but in many cases it is not acceptable choice. To
115 | do a search like google does you will need fulltext search engines. You
116 | can use your database for that or specific solutins like ElasticSearch
117 | for such purpose.
118 |
119 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full-text_search][Wikipedia: Full-text search]]] |
120 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elasticsearch][Wikipedia: Elasticsearch]]] (proprietary)
121 |
122 | ** Message broker
123 | RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Kafka and others. You need those to create queues and
124 | other stuff that needs to be delayed.
125 |
126 | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_broker][Wikipedia: Message Broker]]
127 |
128 | ** Unix-like OS
129 | You will probably work on Linux, variants of BSD system or macs. You
130 | need to familiarize with the system you use, different tasks require
131 | different degree of that skill, but knowledge of what you are using
132 | every day will be handy.
133 |
134 | There are many ways to learn it, but I recommend try to install it on
135 | your machine and learn it along the way. I recommend to start with
136 | [[https://debian.org/][Debian GNU/Linux distribution]]. You can read [[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/][FAQ]], manuals about
137 | [[https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/index.en.html][installation]] and [[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/][how to use the system]]. Docs are very useful, they are
138 | will be present in your filesystem you can read it by jumping into
139 | /usr/share/docs folder or running ~info~ and ~man~ commands. I recommend to
140 | read it and explore Debian website. Also for learning linux Arch Linux
141 | wiki is good source of knowledge (Slackware and Gentoo wikis are good as
142 | well).
143 |
144 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix][Wikipedia: Unix]]] |
145 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux][Wikipedia: Linux]]] |
146 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_distribution][Wikipedia: Linux distribution]]]
147 |
148 | ** OOP
149 | In corporate IT culture you will probably forced to use OOP
150 | techniques. It is not something that really improves development that
151 | much, but it is very common way to orginize codebase and it is kind of
152 | great for working with many people.
153 |
154 | Not everyone will degree with my definition, but patterns are needed to
155 | express by your programming language object system, which is impossible
156 | to express otherwise, because of different language limits. It is very
157 | true for very static and not expressive language like PHP or Java and
158 | less true for more expressive languages like Lisp and Haskell.
159 |
160 | Besides basic principle of using OOP in your programming language of
161 | choice you are going to need patterns to learn. The benefits of them are
162 | questinable, but it is not bad to know and they are being asked on
163 | interviews very often.
164 |
165 | The best way to learn patterns are to use [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalltalk][Smalltalk]] and read the book
166 | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_Patterns]["Gang of Four"]]. Also there is very useful website about design patterns
167 | with examples in many mainstream languages: https://refactoring.guru/
168 |
169 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming][Wikipedia: OOP]]]
170 |
171 | ** Debugger
172 | You have a chance to work with others people code, so you have a chance
173 | to get confused by a lot of stuff going on. Also it is possible that you
174 | would make a mistake and will not understand what is going on, where is
175 | an error. In that case you will need a debugger. Debugger is usually can
176 | be the part of your text editor environment and it is usually included
177 | in your programming environment alongside your interpreter /
178 | compiler. Some languages don't include a debugger, so you need to
179 | download it seperately.
180 |
181 | Debugger allows you to step through your code and see the values of
182 | stack and heap, basically you get an access to everything evaluated by
183 | your interpreter/compiler. It is very common practice to use such a
184 | thing when errors happen and I personally think, that it is great way to
185 | learn how your language of choice works internally.
186 |
187 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debugger][Wikipedia: Debugger]]]
188 |
189 | ** Profiler
190 | Profiler is similar to debugger, but it helps you to detect which part
191 | of your programm is running slow, it also helps you detect memory
192 | leaks. Sometimes you or others write functions and does everything as
193 | intended, but it is running slow. To understand which part of your code
194 | is a bottleneck you need to run it in a profiler. Then profiler will
195 | show you an diagram with execution time and memory consumption of your
196 | functions, which is helpful even when everything works fine.
197 |
198 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profiling_(computer_programming)][Wikipedia: Profiler]]]
199 |
200 | ** Frontend
201 | If you are not exclusively backend developer, you will probably need to
202 | work with templates. Templates represent the outer view of your website,
203 | which represents backend's inner workings. Frontend part can be done
204 | using template engine or can be done as Single Page Application with
205 | lots of client-side javascript coe.
206 |
207 |
208 | *** HTML
209 | HTML is being used for representing your website information to your
210 | users. It contains only structural data and very basic formatting. If
211 | you see something that looks like old document, that is probably plain
212 | html used.
213 |
214 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_template_system][Wikipedia: Web Template System]]] |
215 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-page_application][Wikipedia: Single-page Application]]]
216 |
217 | *** CSS
218 | CSS is being used for creating styling for your html pages. The role of
219 | CSS is to make your html layouts pretty, to make your buttons beatiful
220 | and grid is clear.
221 |
222 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS][Wikipedia: CSS]]]
223 |
224 | *** Javascript
225 | Javascript is being used for creating interectivity with your HTML
226 | pages. If you see dropdown menu, carousel or a slider, there is probably
227 | javascript involved. Javascript is big and complex programming language,
228 | so you as web developer will be required to know only subset of it
229 | except if your main programming language is Javascript.
230 |
231 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javascript][Wikipedia: Javascript]]]
232 |
233 | *** Template engines
234 | Template engines are needed to transfer your backend data to your
235 | user. It provides the way to generate HTML with embedding variables and
236 | different function for developer's ease. Template engine is usually
237 | built-in in your framework of choice.
238 |
239 | [[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_processor][Wikipedia: Template Processor]]]
240 |
241 | ** Docker
242 | Your team probably will use docker for deployment or development (or
243 | both). Anyway you might want to get your project working in a container
244 | for better accessability by your team. The point of docker as
245 | development tool is to let your team quickly to get the same environment
246 | as you. The point of docker as deployment tool to deploy the same
247 | environment that you developing in, its important to have reproducible
248 | production environment, because catching bugs in 3 different
249 | environments (dev, staging, prod) suck a lot.
250 | ** API
251 | There are standard ways to build APIs. If you are going to focus on that
252 | part of application, only backend work, you should learn it.
253 | - RestAPI
254 | - JSONAPI
255 | -
256 | ** Type hierarchy and standard library
257 |
258 | ** Framework or(and) set of libraries
259 | Every job sticks on their own stack. Very often it sticks to one
260 | specific web framework, that you are required to learn. It can be
261 | something like Django, Symfony, Spring, Ruby on Rails or others.
262 |
263 | Frameworks are usually the biggest part of your codebase. The difference
264 | between framework and library: Framework runs your code with your
265 | classes, but libraries are being used by you explicitly and you execute
266 | all the code from them. The concept of reverting the control over the
267 | code to your framework is called [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_of_control][Inversion of Control]].
268 | ** Programming language
269 |
270 | You will need to
271 | * Most popular programming languages
272 | Basically your choices are quite limited here. More jobs available, more
273 | chances to get that job. there will be different results in different
274 | areas. I think that in most areas you will have a choices between Java,
275 | Python and maybe PHP or Ruby. If you want to end up insane, there is
276 | also Javascript, but it is not that mature for backend as other
277 | technologies, so I will not include it (there is only "big" framework
278 | called NestJS, its demand should be low).
279 |
280 | ** Java / C#
281 | Probably the most popular programming languages out there especially
282 | when it comes to working at companies. It is statically typed and quite
283 | easy to learn languages. They are restricted to OOP only, so you
284 | prorably will use oop design patterns here the most. Type system are not
285 | that advanced as in ML dialects and actually it is unsound, but it
286 | provides some merits of safety compared to nonsafe C.
287 |
288 | Frameworks:
289 | - Spring
290 | - .Net
291 |
292 | ORM:
293 | - Hibernate
294 |
295 | ** Python
296 | Second the most popular programming language. It differs from Java a
297 | lot. It is dynamic typed, more object oriented (everything is an
298 | object), it forces you to indent your code right.
299 |
300 | Frameworks:
301 | - Django
302 | - Flask
303 | - FastAPI
304 |
305 | ORM:
306 | - Django ORM
307 | - SQLAlchemy
308 |
309 | ** PHP
310 | PHP might be unpopular in some areas, but it is quite popular in
311 | Russia. It runs lots of small businesses and it is probably the easiest
312 | tech stack to get a job (but not the easiest language to work with). The
313 | language has lots of caveats such as weak typing, unorganized standard
314 | library, less developed OOP and type checking, lots of procedural php
315 | legacy, most functions of the language is defined in C.
316 |
317 | Frameworks:
318 | - Symfony
319 | - Laravel
320 |
321 | ORM:
322 | - Doctrine
323 |
324 | * Less popular programming language
325 | ** Go
326 | ** Ruby
327 | Ruby is mostly used solely for web development with popular Ruby on
328 | Rails framework. The demand of it might be low in some areas, so
329 | investigate your market yourself before learning it. Ruby is strongly
330 | type object-oriented in smalltalk sense language. It has mixed lisp,
331 | perl and smalltalk roots.
332 |
333 | Frameworks:
334 | - Ruby on Rails
335 | - Sinatra
336 |
337 | ORM:
338 | - Active Record
339 | - DataMapper
340 |
341 | * Great language, but bad for finding work
342 | * How to get good
343 | First of all don't buy any paid course or workshops, most information
344 | are available for free for everyone. Just read wikipedia links I
345 | provided in artible and follow links there to official documentation of
346 | the thing you want to learn.
347 |
348 | When it comes to programming in general I recommend to learn it doing
349 | test projects or just playing with the code. For practice you can also
350 | use services like Exercism or Codewars to practice pure programming
351 | solving problems. Also there is great web-resource for complete
352 | beginners called [[https://freecodecamp.org/][FreeCodeCamp]], it covers basics of web development and
353 | javascript programming.
354 |
355 | Also I recommend reading old academic books on programming, because many
356 | concepts are the same in many programming languages, what you need is
357 | the ability think abstractly using data structures and algorhythms. I
358 | recommend anyone who wants to really grock programming to read:
359 | - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structure_and_Interpretation_of_Computer_Programs][SICP]] (mit scheme)
360 | - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_Design_Programs][HTDP]] (racket)
361 | - [[https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/tapl/][TAPL]]
362 | - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essentials_of_Programming_Languages][Essentials Of Programming Languages]]
363 | - [[https://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/pgubook/ProgrammingGroundUp-1-0-booksize.pdf][Programming from the ground up]]
364 | - Also see [[https://www.gnu.org/doc/other-free-books.html][free books from GNU website]]
365 |
366 | /Basically the rule of thumb is that if the book has wikipedia article, it is probably a good book and you should read it/.
367 |
368 | There are many free sources to learn you just need to invest your time
369 | into it. The downside of learning LISP is that mainstream programming on
370 | your job can feel very restrictive and less expressive. Also you will
371 | probably learn, that many mainstream languages have lots of quircks or
372 | plainly bad design decisions.
373 |
374 | * Conclusion
375 | It is possible to get a job with less popular stack, but if you are just
376 | starting it might be reasonable to focus on popular one first. The list
377 | of technologies is quite big, so newbies can be lost in new
378 | information. Be patient and learn one thing at the time. I would
379 | recommend starting with programming language documentation, then SQL and
380 | then going to docs of your web-framework / library.
381 |
382 | Demand for web developers is huge and in my opinion it is the easiest
383 | way to get a job. The web development sucks in general (at least for
384 | me), but that topic will be hold for another article.
385 |
386 | If to continue tech stack tier list sorted by popularity next one should be:
387 |
388 | ** Advanced tier
389 | - Scala
390 | - Clojure
391 | - Erlang
392 | - Rust
393 |
394 | ** Rare tier
395 | - Common Lisp / Scheme
396 | - Haskell
397 | - SML / Ocaml
398 | ** Rare and legacy tier
399 | - Perl
400 | - Cobol