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17 | \setlength{\parindent}{0} % Default is 15pt.
18 | \author{Mikhail Kirillov}
19 | \date{\today}
20 | \title{Fullstack Developer}
21 | \hypersetup{
22 | pdfauthor={Mikhail Kirillov},
23 | pdftitle={Fullstack Developer},
24 | pdfkeywords={},
25 | pdfsubject={},
26 | pdfcreator={Emacs 28.1 (Org mode 9.5.3)},
27 | pdflang={English}}
28 | \begin{document}
29 |
30 | \maketitle
31 | \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{}
32 | \centering
33 | \includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{../public/images/w96k.png}
34 | \end{wrapfigure}
35 |
36 | \section*{Basic information}
37 | \label{sec:orgb1b5208}
38 |
39 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
40 | \hline
41 | Name & Kirillov Mikhail\\
42 | \hline
43 | Date of birth & 15.08.1996\\
44 | \hline
45 | Location & Russia, Moscow\\
46 | \hline
47 | Marital status & Single\\
48 | \hline
49 | Email & \href{mailto:w96k.ru@gmail.com}{w96k.ru@gmail.com}\\
50 | \hline
51 | Code & \href{https://git.sr.ht/\~w96k/}{https://git.sr.ht/\textasciitilde{}w96k/}\\
52 | \hline
53 | Blog & \url{https://w96k.dev}\\
54 | \hline
55 | \end{tabular}
56 | \section*{Preferences}
57 | \label{sec:orgc60d515}
58 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
59 | \hline
60 | Type of work & Remote (desired), Hybrid, Office\\
61 | \hline
62 | Desired salary & €3000-3500 remote or €4000-5000 relocation\\
63 | \hline
64 | Company's field & - No gambling\\
65 | & - No cryptocurrencies\\
66 | & - No spying on users\\
67 | & \\
68 | & Company's field should be ethical\\
69 | \hline
70 | Workload & Full-time (40 hours per week)\\
71 | & Part-time (20-30 hours per week)\\
72 | \hline
73 | \end{tabular}
74 |
75 | \section*{Education}
76 | \label{sec:org07ff661}
77 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
78 | \hline
79 | Name & Moscow \emph{Polytechnic colleage № 8}\\
80 | \hline
81 | Period & \textbf{Sep. 2012 - July 2016}\\
82 | \hline
83 | Specialty & Organization and technology of information security\\
84 | \hline
85 | Code & 10.02.01\\
86 | \hline
87 | \end{tabular}
88 |
89 | \section*{Work experience}
90 | \label{sec:org41459cd}
91 |
92 | \subsection*{OOO «Reforma»}
93 | \label{sec:orga312c50}
94 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
95 | \hline
96 | Period & June 2021 - Today\\
97 | \hline
98 | Position & Fullstack-Developer\\
99 | \hline
100 | Web-Site & \url{https://profile24.ru}\\
101 | \hline
102 | \end{tabular}
103 |
104 | \bigskip
105 |
106 | \texttt{Fullstack} \texttt{PHP} \texttt{Symfony} \texttt{Sonata Admin} \texttt{MySQL} \texttt{RabbitMQ} \texttt{Jquery} \texttt{Bootstrap}
107 |
108 | \bigskip
109 |
110 | Mainting and creating new features of marketplace website. It is written
111 | in PHP using Symfony Framework, Sonata admin, MySQL and
112 | RabbitMQ. Frontend part is Jquery and different javascript plugins like
113 | select2. I do both backend and frontend parts.
114 |
115 | \subsection*{OOO «Optifarma»}
116 | \label{sec:orgd6f7bf0}
117 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
118 | \hline
119 | Period & November 2017 - March 2020\\
120 | \hline
121 | Position & Fullstack-Developer\\
122 | \hline
123 | Web-Site & \url{https://medkompas.ru}\\
124 | \hline
125 | \end{tabular}
126 |
127 | \bigskip
128 |
129 | \texttt{Fullstack} \texttt{PHP} \texttt{Symfony} \texttt{MySQL} \texttt{RabbitMQ} \texttt{Jquery} \texttt{Bootstrap}
130 |
131 | \bigskip
132 |
133 | Symfony website that have doctor's database and allow user to find
134 | specific doctors by different criterias like your location or your
135 | concrete problem.
136 |
137 | \subsection*{Indacoin ltd}
138 | \label{sec:org14f776b}
139 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
140 | \hline
141 | Period & June 2017 - Sep. 2017\\
142 | \hline
143 | Position & \emph{Front-End Developer}\\
144 | \hline
145 | Web-site & \url{https://indacoin.com}\\
146 | \hline
147 | \end{tabular}
148 |
149 | \bigskip
150 |
151 | \texttt{Frontend} \texttt{Ember.js} \texttt{Javascript} \texttt{Semantic UI}
152 |
153 | \bigskip
154 |
155 | Creating SPA application as landing site for cryptocurrency platform. I
156 | was working with Ember.js and Semantic UI.
157 |
158 | \subsection*{Short term jobs and projects}
159 | \label{sec:org37c7bf9}
160 | \begin{itemize}
161 | \item I was working on frontend of epoll system written in Vue.js. Backend
162 | was in Java. Project status is unknown.
163 | \item I did several FreeCodeCamp projects available here:
164 | \url{https://codepen.io/w96k}
165 | \item Semantic UI theme for a blog based on Hugo:
166 | \url{https://github.com/w96k/hugo-sui-blog}
167 | \end{itemize}
168 |
169 | \newpage
170 |
171 | \section*{Skills}
172 | \label{sec:org009a4ba}
173 | \texttt{PHP}
174 | \texttt{Symfony}
175 | \texttt{Sonata Admin}
176 | \texttt{Mysql}
177 | \texttt{Python}
178 | \texttt{Django}
179 | \texttt{Flask}
180 | \texttt{Javascript}
181 |
182 | \texttt{React}
183 | \texttt{Vue.js}
184 | \texttt{SQL}
185 | \texttt{Bootstrap}
186 | \texttt{Docker}
187 | \texttt{Emacs}
188 | \texttt{OOP}
189 | \texttt{DDD}
190 | \texttt{SOLID}
191 | \texttt{Testing}
192 |
193 | \begin{itemize}
194 | \item Developing backends using Symfony (PHP) and Django/Flask (Python)
195 | \item Experience of using programming languages profesionally: PHP, Python,
196 | Javascript
197 | \item Single Page Application development based on react.js / vue.js /
198 | ember.js
199 | \item Experience of using PostgreSQL/MySQL and knowledge of SQL
200 | \item Experience of using CSS frameworks: Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Mini.css
201 | \item Software Testing (unit testing, selenium)
202 | \item Experience of using Docker
203 | \item Experience of using continious integrations systems: Gitlab CI,
204 | Jenkins
205 | \item Experience of using GNU/Linux and BSD distributions: Debian, Guix,
206 | Slackware, OpenBSD
207 | \item Experience of using version control systems: Git, Mercurial
208 | \end{itemize}
209 |
210 | \section*{Programming interests}
211 | \label{sec:orgbe4c484}
212 | \begin{itemize}
213 | \item Visiting or watching recordings of IT conferences
214 | \item Functional Programming and languages based on lambda calculus (LISP,
215 | Scheme, SML/Ocaml, Haskell, Idris)
216 | \item "Low-level" programming in C(++), Oberon and Common Lisp
217 | \item Programming Language Theory. I also like to discover ancient technology with interesting ideas
218 | \item Interest in self-modifying (or image-based) languages like Lisp,
219 | Smalltalk, Self and Oberon
220 | \item GNU Software and GNU+Linux distributions
221 | \item Emacs text editor, org-mode and latex
222 | \item Writing posts on w96k.dev and my mastodon
223 | \item Moderating programming groups in Telegram (Emacs, GNU Guix, Lisp
224 | groups)
225 | \item Free (Libre) Software
226 | \end{itemize}
227 |
228 | \section*{Languages}
229 | \label{sec:orgd9283f1}
230 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
231 | \hline
232 | Russian & Native\\
233 | \hline
234 | English & - Reading documentation and books\\
235 | & - Writing posts\\
236 | & - Casual conversations\\
237 | \hline
238 | \end{tabular}
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 | \section*{Hobbies}
243 | \label{sec:orgdec69b9}
244 | \begin{itemize}
245 | \item Playing piano and composing music
246 | \item Bicycle and tourism on bicycle
247 | \item Swimming
248 | \item Math
249 | \item Philosophy
250 | \end{itemize}
251 | \end{document}