1 | #+TITLE: @w96k: Articles
2 | #+OPTIONS: toc:nil
3 | #+LANGUAGE: en
4 |
5 | * Articles
6 | #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :results html
7 | (defun read-lines (filePath)
8 | "Return a list of lines of a file at filePath."
9 | (with-temp-buffer
10 | (insert-file-contents filePath)
11 | (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
12 |
13 | ;; Sort by modified date
14 | (setq list-of-posts (sort (directory-files-and-attributes "./en/posts" nil ".org$")
15 | #'(lambda (x y) (time-less-p (nth 6 y) (nth 6 x)))))
16 |
17 | (defun make-links (str)
18 | (setq file-name (car str))
19 | (setq str-link (s-replace ".org" ".html" file-name))
20 | ;; We make an assumption, that #+TITLE is on first line
21 | (setq article-title (s-replace "#+TITLE: " "" (car (read-lines (concat "en/posts/" file-name)))))
22 | (concat "<li><a href=\"/en/posts/" str-link "\">" article-title "</a></li>"))
23 |
24 | (concat "<ul>" (mapconcat 'make-links list-of-posts "\n") "</ul>")
25 | #+END_SRC
26 |
27 | ** Documentation
28 | - [[https://w96k.dev/public/doc/gnu-c/][GNU C Language Manual]]
29 |
30 | ** Cтатьи
31 |
32 | #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :results html
33 | (defun read-lines (filePath)
34 | "Return a list of lines of a file at filePath."
35 | (with-temp-buffer
36 | (insert-file-contents filePath)
37 | (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
38 |
39 | ;; Sort by modified date
40 | (setq list-of-posts (sort (directory-files-and-attributes "./posts" nil ".org$")
41 | #'(lambda (x y) (time-less-p (nth 6 y) (nth 6 x)))))
42 |
43 | (defun make-links (str)
44 | (setq file-name (car str))
45 | (setq str-link (s-replace ".org" ".html" file-name))
46 | ;; We make an assumption, that #+TITLE is on first line
47 | (setq article-title (s-replace "#+TITLE: " "" (car (read-lines (concat "posts/" file-name)))))
48 | (concat "<li><a href=\"/posts/" str-link "\">" article-title "</a></li>"))
49 |
50 | (concat "<ul>" (mapconcat 'make-links list-of-posts "\n") "</ul>")
51 | #+END_SRC
52 |
53 | ** Переводы
54 | #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :results html
55 | (defun read-lines (filePath)
56 | "Return a list of lines of a file at filePath."
57 | (with-temp-buffer
58 | (insert-file-contents filePath)
59 | (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
60 |
61 | ;; Sort by modified date
62 | (setq list-of-posts (sort (directory-files-and-attributes "./translations" nil ".org$")
63 | #'(lambda (x y) (time-less-p (nth 6 y) (nth 6 x)))))
64 |
65 | (defun make-links (str)
66 | (setq file-name (car str))
67 | (setq str-link (s-replace ".org" ".html" file-name))
68 | ;; We make an assumption, that #+TITLE is on first line
69 | (setq article-title (s-replace "#+TITLE: " "" (car (read-lines (concat "translations/" file-name)))))
70 | (concat "<li><a href=\"/translations/" str-link "\">" article-title "</a></li>"))
71 |
72 | (concat "<ul>" (mapconcat 'make-links list-of-posts "\n") "</ul>")
73 | #+END_SRC