Line | |
1 | languageCode = "en-us"
2 | title = "@w96k"
3 | baseurl = ""
4 | theme = "hugo-sui-blog"
5 | disqusShortname = "w96k"
6 | relativeURLs = true
7 | Paginate = 5
8 |
9 |
10 | [params]
11 | #Text under main header
12 | about = ["Dev", "Otaku", "Gamer"]
13 |
14 | #Social buttons
15 |
16 | ## Pick icon names from semantic-ui doc
17 | ##
18 |
19 | social = [{
20 | text = "Github",
21 | icon = "github",
22 | link = "",
23 | target = "_blank"
24 | }, {
25 | text = "About",
26 | icon = "user",
27 | link = "/pages/about/",
28 | primary = true
29 | }, {
30 | text = "Telegram",
31 | icon = "telegram",
32 | link = "",
33 | target = "_blank"
34 | }]
35 |
36 | # Do you need comments section or not (if true, then you need to set
37 | # disqusShortname var
38 | comments = true
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