# This file is part of python-cinema-club-bot # contributed in 2024 by Mikhail Kirillov (~w96k) # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright # and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain # worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. # You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along # with this software. If not, see: # INVALID_COMMAND = "Invalid command. Available commands: /add /list /remove /chooser /about" MOVIE_ANOTHER_USER = "Movie should choose another user ({user})" MOVIE_NOT_PROVIDED = "Movie is not provided" MOVIE_NOT_FOUND = "Movie not found on IMDB" EXPECTED_ONE_MOVIE = "Expected only one movie" FETCHING_MOVIE = "Movie with ID {id} is being fetched: https://imdb.com/title/tt{id}/" FETCHING_ERROR = "Couldn't fetch movie or it is not found. Provide IMDB id, for example: 0133093" MOVIE_REMOVE = "Movie \"{title}\" with id {id} has been removed" MOVIE_SET = "Movie \"{title}\" proposed by {user} is succesfully set as next to watch" USER_NOT_FOUND = "Provided user ({user}) not found. Check /list" USER_NOT_PROVIDED = "User(s) is not provided" EXPECTED_ONE_USER = "Expected only one user" ADD_MORE_USERS = "There is no users added. You can add people who can choose movies using /add nickname" NEXT_MOVIE_USER = "Next movie choice is up to {user}" USER_ADD = "User {user} has been added" USERS_ADDED = "Users have been added successfully. Use /list to view." USER_REMOVE = "User {user} has been removed. Use /list to view." USERS_REMOVED = "Users has been removed" USER_SET = "Users have been set successfully. Use /list to view." USER_CHOOSE = "Next movie should choose: {user}" UNDEFINED_ERROR = "Exception: something unexpected happened. Check the logs."